tisdag 13 september 2011

Crazy January challenge 2012

I was "blogsurfing" in june and came across "crazy january challenge" in many blogs, and curious as I am, I had to find out what it was. So I came to THIS blog, and found out it´s a challenge where you start a new cross stitch project every day from 1-15 of january and then you have the rest of the year to finish them. Of course I was too late in june, but I hoped that there would be a new challenge in 2012, and there will! So I´m in, but I choose a modified version. I start 15 projects, but I also continue with 15 UFOs, and try to get them all done i a year. The problem is, most of my new kits are BIG projects, and so are the UFOs. So I don´t think I will get them done, but I´ll try. I put all projects in a box, there´s still a few months time to decide what to make, and I will keep working on some UFOs. All in all, I think 2012 is going to be an interesting stitching-year!

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